Modify Quotes & Orders Views

Need to create Quotes & Orders Views displaying different columns of information? Views can be modified and saved by applying Filters and adjusting Display Fields.

Views allow you to choose what Fields you see and rearrange the columns being displayed. The top to bottom arrangement of Display Fields in Options corresponds to how the columns show from the left to right in a View.

  1. From the left-side navigation, click on Quotes or Orders.
  2. From the top menu bar, click on Options.
  3. Add a Filter to adjust what you see in your Order View.
  4. To change what columns appear in your View, or what order they appear in, modify the Display Fields by clicking on the Add Display Fields icon.
  5. The left column lists the Fields available to add, the right side shows the order they are displayed in.
    Add a Field by clicking on the Field Name in the left column. Remove a field by clicking on the Remove icon.
  6. Move columns up and down by clicking and holding on the double-sided arrow then dragging the field up or down.
  7. Apply the changes to see the modified View.