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Add Extra Items To A Quote

Do you have charges like faucets, tear-out, or travel that you need to charge for on a Quote or Order? You can add a charge for items or services that are not captured in the drawing as Other Items when you are in Step 6.

Adding an Other Item in Step 6 only adds it to that particular Quote or Order, not to to the Price List. 

  1. in Step 6, click the Add icon in the Area where you want to add the item or service. 
  2. Select Add Miscellaneous Item then enter the details for the item.
    add other item to a quote or order in step 6
  3. If you want the Other Item to appear in its own Area, select Area: Other Items when adding the Other Item.
    add other items to their own section in countergo
  4. Entering a negative number in the Price field when adding an Other Item will result in a credit.