Create An Invoice

Some CounterGo customers do all of their billing via their accounting system, while other CounterGo customers prefer to print a detailed invoice from CounterGo and then enter a less detailed invoice for receivable purposes in their accounting software. 

This article provides a downloadable Invoice that can easily be customized in CounterGo. To add an Invoice Date or Invoice Number to the Form, add fields using the Add Field icon on any Form.

  1. Download this XML Invoice file by right-clicking and selecting Save Link (Target) As... 


  2. Select Settings Quote > Forms.
  3. Press the +Create button at the top of the page.
  4. Click the Import button at the top of the page.
  5. Select the file from the downloaded location and click Import.
  6. Click on the Form Header to change the company name and address.
  7. Click in any Field to open and edit as needed.

