No Price List Available Message

If you open a  Quote or Order and get a warning that the Price List is inactive, the Quote/Order needs to be moved to a new Price List. This can happen if a Quote/Order is old and the Price List it used has been inactivated, or if the Quote/Order was in an Account where the Price List is no longer active.

You must first re-activate the old Price List before you can move it to another Price List. Otherwise, you will get the error message  "No Price Lists available!".

  1. If you receive an error "No price lists available!", exit the Quote or Order.
  2. Go to Price Lists > Open the Price List the Quote or Order was using > Click on Settings > Click on Inactive at the top > select Active to reactivate the list.
  3. Go back to the Quote or Order > Step 6 > Edit Price Settings > Change Price Lists. Move the Quote or Order to the Price List you want to use and Save.

  4. Return to Price List > Open the Price List the Quote or Order was using > Click on Settings >Click on Active at the top > select Inactive to prevent the Price List form being used in the future.