Quote Multiple Color Or Material Options

Do you want to show customers how the total will change with multiple options of MaterialsColors, and Edges when pricing by the square foot? Use the Color Options feature in Step 5.

This feature works best when all the Material chosen is priced by the square foot, or if all Sabs are the same size if pricing by the Slab. Square foot Material can be compared Material priced by the Slab.

If you have multiple Areas in a Quote or Order, you can make different selections in each Area.

When comparing Colors with different Slab Sizes, prices are calculated from the size of the first Color, which is referred to as Option #1, even if other Slabs are a different size.

Re-ordering the Color Options will change the pricing based on the Color in the first, left-most position.

For more information on adding Color Options to Print or Email, see Related Articles below.

Check prices carefully if using the Color Options feature when quoting Material by the Slab where the Slabs differ in size.

  1. Select the first Material, Color & Edge in Step 5 then click the Add Color Option icon.
  2. Select the another MaterialColor & Edge.add multiple color options to a quote or order
  3. To show Color Options on the printed Quote or Order, click Print > Quote (color options). If that Form does not appear in the drop-down list, see Related Articles to add Color Options to a Form. 
  4. The printed or emailed Quote or Order will show details for the first option, and for comparison, it will show the totals for the other selections in the  Color Option Field.print preview of a quote with multiple color options