Quote Special Order Colors

Need to quote Colors not listed in a Price List? This is useful for quoting Material Colors not normally stocked or ones being special ordered for a customer.

Want to see the price per slab vs. the price by the square foot on the fly? Use the Other Color feature to quickly compare the two pricing methods.

NOTE: If you do not see the Other Color option in Step 5, you will need to Edit your Price List to Allow Other Colors

  1. In Step 5, select your material from the Product list.
  2. When selecting your Color, scroll to the very bottom of the list and select Other Color.
  3. Enter the Color Name and Price, and decide if you want it Priced By The Slab or to Allow Discount in Step 6.
  4. If you need to adjust the Price, do so in Step 5 for Other Colors. Click the Edit button next to the name of the Other Color.