View Or Cancel An Emailed Quote Or Order

Do you need to check what was in a Quote or Order email that was sent from CounterGo? Once a Quote or Order has been emailed from CounterGo, it's still possible to view the original email and the Quote or Order contents sent.

You can also cancel/inactivate the Quote or Order if you made a mistake. Inactivated emails can be reactivated by following the same steps detailed below.

Note: the customer will still receive the email, however, the link to view the Quote or Order will no longer work. They will receive an error message similar to:

  1. Scroll below the Drawing and click the email date link to see options pertaining to the sent email
  2. In the Body you will see the email that was sent.
  3. Click the Print icon to see the Quote or Order they received in PDF format.
  4. To cancel an emailed Quote or Order, click Inactivate Link button. The button will change to Activate Link, to be used if the email needs to be reactivated.